Canine Vaccinations
4 dog vaccines to consider
All dogs are required by State Law to be vaccinated for rabies. The vaccine is administered as an individual vaccination. After the first vaccination, dogs must be revaccinated one year later, and then the interval for revaccination is every 3 years thereafter. We recommend that puppies receive their Rabies vaccines between 12 and 16 weeks.
Rabies is a deadly, yet preventable, viral disease. Rabies is most often transmitted through the saliva of a rabid mammal such as a skunk, raccoon, bat, fox, coyote, badger or weasel. Rodents and rabbits are considered very low risk for rabies, and there is no risk for rabies from reptiles, birds or insects.
It affects the central nervous system of almost all mammals, including humans. Rabies attacks the brain causing neurological disease and is fatal. There is no cure for rabies, but vaccination will provide your pet with a much greater resistance if it is exposed.
Distemper Combination (DHPPL4)
All puppies need a series of vaccines to help protect them against potentially deadly diseases. The Distemper Combination vaccine includes protection against a group of diseases which includes Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza, Leptospirosis and in some cases the Corona Virus all together in one injection.
We recommend all puppies receive a series of three Distemper Combination vaccines from ages 6 to 16 weeks. It is very important for puppies to get the complete vaccine series to ensure their protection. The vaccine is administered annually following the booster series.
- Canine Distemper: Vaccination against this often fatal and difficult-to-treat disease is essential. Canine Distemper is highly contagious and widespread among the canine population. Unprotected dogs can develop this disease and many may die, especially young puppies. A dog with distemper may have diarrhea, fever, respiratory symptoms, seizures, muscular twitches, and watery discharge from the eyes and nose. The Distemper booster is generally given annually.
- Canine Hepatitis: Hepatitis is spread primarily through coming into contact with infected secretions such as urine, saliva or feces. The virus attacks organs throughout an unprotected dog’s body, producing fever, respiratory disease, enlarged lymph nodes, abdominal pain, liver and eye damage, and changes in the blood. This disease can range from mild to fatal. The Hepatitis booster is generally given annually.
- Canine Parvovirus: This disease is very contagious, debilitating, and widespread. It is spread through infected feces. Parvovirus is a major intestinal disease, especially among younger dogs. The virus causes extreme diarrhea and vomiting. The loss of fluids and other toxic effects quite often lead to death, most often in young pups and elderly dogs. Vaccination is the only certain method of preventing this potentially fatal disease. The Parvovirus booster is generally given annually.
- Canine Parainfluenza: Parainfluenza is caused by a virus which produces a respiratory tract infection. It is a highly contagious virus, whose symptoms can be similar to kennel cough and range from mild to severe. The Parainfluenza booster is generally given annually.
- Canine Leptospirosis: Other dogs and even humans can become infected with this bacterial disease through contact with infected urine. An infected dog can spread Leptospirosis bacteria for months after it has been sick. It can affect dogs of any age by damaging liver, kidneys and other major organs. The Leptospirosis vaccine is not long-lasting and a booster should be given at least annually in those pets that are considered at higher risk, such as active hunters, dogs that have access to livestock and wildlife, frequent dog parks or swim in ponds, rivers and lakes.
Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
Bordetella causes respiratory problems and is commonly called "Kennel Cough." Kennel Cough is highly contagious and easily transmitted in public parks, boarding and grooming facilities, and other places where there are lots of dogs. You may wish to have your dog vaccinated if you anticipate much exposure to other dogs. Most boarding kennels, grooming facilities, and obedience classes require the Bordetella vaccination to protect against Kennel Cough.
Kennel Cough is a bronchitis characterized by a harsh, hacking cough. The Bordetella vaccination is intranasal or injectable. The initial vaccine is administered intranasal and may be given as early as 2 weeks of age, followed by a 6 month booster. Immunity generally lasts 6 - 12 months. It takes 4 days to generate a solid immune response after intranasal vaccination so it is best if vaccination is given at least 4 days prior to the exposure.
Some dogs will have some sneezing or nasal discharge in the week following intranasal vaccination. This vaccination is recommended every 6 months depending on the frequency that your dog is exposed to boarding, grooming or taken to obedience or agility classes.
Lyme Disease
Lyme is a disease transmitted by ticks. The disease can cause arthritis, kidney damage and death in both dogs and people. Ticks like wooded or grassy areas. Outdoor dogs and dogs participating in activities such as camping, hunting, hiking are considered at high risk for Lyme Disease.
Different regions of the United States also have different levels of risk, so it is very important to note travel history to your veterinarian to determine if vaccination is necessary. The LymeVax protects against the bacteria ticks carry which transmits the disease. It is a very safe and effective vaccination. Over 25 million doses have been safely administered nationwide. To vaccinate the dog must be 9 weeks or older. Following the initial vaccination, one booster is required in 2-3 weeks, thereafter it is boostered annually.